Chambord Colada
by Tommy Kirchhoff

So everything was spinning, except the bar, so I held on to that. She flirted with me from the other side of the island. I'd smile and make small gestures with my lips. I always felt they had a certain charm all their own. She'd giggle and lurch forward the way girls do. I had other girls sitting on my lap, or kissing my cheek, but I'd still look over to her to smile.

I had a lot to drink and my buzz was picking up momentum. She kept looking over and smiling sweetly, even while some cute blonde I had just met was nibbling on my ear. Vedad was beside me, madly sucking the saliva from an unexpected friend of ours. Neither of us really understood why.

They stopped mashing, and Vedad looked at me in complete bewilderment. I grinned and nodded as if I knew what the hell just happened. Our "friend" was drinking some pink slush from a margarita glass. She offered Vedad and me a taste. It''s great. The drink became my new focus. Everything else was blurry anyway. I looked over. She smiled again. "Bartender, mix up another one of those things. They're fantastic!"

I asked him at least six times the name of this pinkish party in a margiarita glass. It never sunk in. He was pouring, and mixing, and concocting, and doing what bartenders do. He picked up some great looking bottle, looking somewhat like a crown. I looked over at her and she''s nodding her head and mouthing, "it's good stuff."

I was intrigued. There''s this brilliant bartender that makes this amazing drink, my best friend was trashed and I hadn't seem him in five months, this beautiful girl was smiling, definitely gesturing and here's my drink!

Oh my god! It's so good. The barman winked—I think he''s quite proud of this drink, too.

Vedad and I sipped this lovely thing, this pink and perfect alcoholic orgasm that I still couldn't remember the name of. I asked the bartender again, and he's happy to tell me. I looked over at her and she's practically moist between the legs. She's gotta have one of these fuckin' things!

The bartender decided he liked me too, and introduced himself. His name was Woody. No shit. I supposed someone gave him that nickname for his resemblance to, ya I guess he did look like Woody. And a bartender. Well,there ya' go.

"Woody," I said. "Mix up another one of those, what are they calleds?" He smiled and told me again. Now I knew things were going to start happening. I looked over at her and winked. Not exaggerated, just a quick, cute little wink. I motioned to the pink drink Woody''s making and mouthed that it's her's. She giggled and lurched and I''s getting excited. Things were going really well.

Before Woody could set it down I said, "Take that over to the far corner to that cute girl for me, would ya' Woody?" He stopped, slightly confused, and said, "Which one?"

There were two pretty girls sitting there, but only one was smiling right at me, gonna make my night. I said, "the one in white."

So everything was spinning and Woody says, "that's my girlfriend." Be quick, be smooth shithead. I say, "Well Woody, take your girlfriend that drink."

Everything went down and everybody knew everything. The alcoholic menange de trois came full circle and the three of us looked at each other and had a good laugh.

Vedad had a great laugh.